Saturday, August 9, 2008

MM #3

Your child comes up to you to tell you that he needs a diaper change, but instead of telling you he just shows you his cute little hand all covered in POO!!! When you finish changing him you laugh and are grateful that this time it didn't get all over the wall and floor etc.


Heather said...

I'm sooooo glad the boys never did this because I think I would of freak'd out. I've heard stories of kids getting poo all over their cribs, rooms, etc. Gross!

Amber said...

That is so funny...funny because it's not happening to me!! I had my fair share though. I had to watch both boys carefully for signs of any grunting because as soon as they were done, they were off hiding and discovering the fruits of their labor. :-)

Summers Family said...

Can't wait for potty training to begin!!!! And thankyou sooo much for the shower Holli. You did such a wonderful job! I couldnt have asked for a better friend.

Lila said...

That is funny!