Now I realize why I should have gone right back to bed this morning!!!!
1. Noah woke up at 4:30.
2. I got out of the shower and immediately went to check on Noah, as I always to do to assess the damage from not monitoring him for the last 10 minutes. This is what I found.....
Eggs??? You ask? Not just any eggs, 5 broken, raw eggs drizzled from my refrigerator to the couch. Mind you, Audrey was in her walker at the time and rolled through one egg in front of the refrigerator. She had raw egg painted on her face....on her shirt and on the tray of her walker!!! I had three eggs on the carpet and couch, we couldn't at least have tried to keep them on the hard wood....
NOOOO!!! While I was cleaning up the mess (which took
almost an hour!!)Noah just kept asking
"What's the matter Mommy?" Cry or laugh? Cry or laugh? I pretty much had to laugh since he had raw egg painted on his face too! This couldn't get any worse, could it?
3. I headed straight to Wal Mart to get a refrigerator lock....determined to make sure this did not happen again! When we walked in Noah had to get his smiley face sticker.
As we walked around the store he would accidentally drop it and I would find it and pick it up. Well, right as I found the isle for the refrigerator locks he yelled "My sticker!!!" I looked around for it and couldn't find it....."Honey, I can't find it." Then he so sweetly replied..."Nose! Nose!" Yeah, sure enough that smiley face sticker was wadded up in his nose! So in the middle of Wal Mart I was digging in my sons nose. I think I still have the sticker in my purse,
I'm going back to bed!!!!!